Our websites use cookies to capture information. This includes information about browsing and purchasing behavior by people who access our websites, including pages viewed, products purchased and customer journey around our websites.
Detailed information is set out in our Cookie Policy and is provided to ensure you are fully aware of the cookies we use, allowing you to make an informed choice about your acceptance of cookies.
Our service providers and suppliers
In order to make certain services available to you and to help us better understand your preferences, we have partnered with certain trusted third parties including logistics and marketing service providers. We may need to share your personal information with some of our service partners. We only allow our service providers to handle your personal information when they have confirmed that they apply appropriate data protection and security controls. We also impose contractual obligations on service providers relating to data protection and security, which mean they can only use your information to provide services to us and to you, and for no other purposes. We may provide outside companies with aggregated and anonymized information and analytics about our customers but that would never identify you and we will never sell or rent your personal information to other organizations for any purposes.
To help you understand which partners we share data with, here are the types of companies with whom we share data in order to provide and promote our goods and services:
Other third parties
We may also share your data with:
· other companies within our group;
· to purchasers, and advisers if we sell our business or assets or restructure whether by merger, re-organization or otherwise;
· our legal and other professional advisers, including our auditors;
· credit reference agencies where necessary for card payments;
· governmental bodies, regulators, law enforcement agencies, courts/tribunals and insurers where we are required to do so: -
o to comply with our legal obligations and the administration of justice;
· to exercise our legal rights (for example in court cases);
· for the prevention, detection, investigation of crime or prosecution of offenders; and
· for the protection of our employees and customers.